Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth Part 2

In the book "Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth" Tyson reveals his rock-bottom upbringings that shaped him to become one of the best boxers of all time. Things that you wouldn't think a celebrity would ever have to go through; he lived through it all. For a multi-millionaire to have once been starving on the streets of Brownsville not knowing where he'll sleep that night, that's Mike Tyson. He speaks about how he is unable to find love or understand how to love. It seems contradictory that such a successful person had such a hard life early on, but without the early hardships, he would've never had the success he had.
Tyson wrote in his book a whole part about how when he had money, it was almost as if he had to buy love and friendship. Growing up, he didn't know how to love. He didn't know what it meant. His mother never showed him affection and he didn't even know his real father. When I personally think of a celebrity, naturally you think they have always had everything they wanted and were just incredibly talented at one particular thing. But that isn't the case. In fact, I've always believed it was the upbringing that made someone be successful. If you're always handed everything, there can't really be that feeling of really working hard at something and then getting rewarded. If you're handed everything, then there is no need to work for it. Not to say that sometimes you won't be successful if that's your case. But with people like Mike Tyson, Andre Agassi, Muhammed Ali, and a lot of other successful people, they had hard upbringings but that's why they became so successful in their fields. They wanted something so badly that they did everything in order to get it.
In conclusion, Mike Tyson seems like someone who was just successful and got rich and lived a happy life. But that's the complete opposite, he came out of nowhere, was rock-bottom poor, and fought his way (literally) to the top. It was with hard work, dedication, and motivation to completely turn his life around.

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